COVID-19 Safety Plan

Dorset College has developed a COVID-19 Safety Plan, outlining the control measures, policies, procedures, protocols, communication plans, training, and monitoring processes necessary to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 at our workplace.

Our plan follows the six-step process as outlined by WorkSafeBC. By Order of the Provincial Health Officer dated May 14, 2020, employers are required to post a copy of their COVID-19 Safety Plan on their website and at the workplace. This plan must be readily available for review by workers, as well as visitors, contractors, suppliers, and any other person who could be providing services at our workplace. This plan is updated as required.

A copy of our COVID-19 Safety Plan and other associated documentation must be provided if requested by a WorkSafeBC officer. This COVID-19 Safety Plan is to be posted on our website at:

STEP 1 Assess the risks at the workplace

☒ Consulted frontline workers, supervisors, and the joint health and safety committee.

☒    Identified areas where people gather as well as the job tasks and processes that may present a risk of transmission of COVID-19.

☒    Determined who could be at risk of exposure, including staff, students, suppliers, and the public.  

☒    Identified tools and equipment that workers share while working.

☒    Identified shared surfaces that people touch often, such as doorknobs. Elevator buttons, and light switches.

STEPS 2 & 3 Implement control measures, including policies, procedures and protocols to reduce the risks

To determine what control measures are required, we have consulted the following:

☒    The Hierarchy of Controls (Figure 1)

☒     Our frontline staff and managers

☒    Our Joint Health and Safety Committee

☒    Guidance and industry-specific information from provincial health authorities

Based on our assessment of the risks at the workplace in Step 1, we have implemented necessary controls and developed the following policies, procedures, and protocols:

☒    On-campus operations policy (Appendix A)

☒    Hand-hygiene and social distancing protocols (Appendix B)

☒    Visitor’s protocol (Appendix B)

☒    Enhanced cleaning protocol for common areas (Appendix C)

☒    Reporting symptoms in the workplace protocols (Appendix D)

☒    Working from home policy (Appendix E)

☒    International students travelling to Canada protocol (Appendix F)

Managers have been made aware of these policies and protocols.

STEP 4 Develop communication plans and training

To ensure staff, students, and visitors know how to stay safe at our workplace, we have:

☒    Developed plans to communicate new and updated policies to all of our employees.

☒    Conducted a training needs assessment and updated our training to include training on procedures and protocols

☒    Posted awareness posters throughout our workplace(s): No visitors, Distancing reminder, Sanitizing Station, Stop Sign, Feeling Symptoms?, and Handwashing Station.

☒    Posted occupancy limit signage throughout our workplace(s).

☒    Encouraged the use of virtual meeting tools and/or phone calls in lieu of in-person meetings or training sessions, whenever possible.

☒    Ensured that all required control measures, such as physical distancing, must be in place if communication or training must take place in person.

☒    Trained managers on monitoring workers and enforcing policies and protocols.

STEP 5 Monitor our workplace and update our plans as needed

As we receive updates from health authorities, we are doing the following to monitor changes in our operations and workplace(s) and ensure that control measures are effectively providing the expected level of protection and prevention.

☒    Workers are aware of how to report workplace hazards.

☒    Workers are aware of how to report symptoms of COVID-19.

☒    We review all workplace inspections to check for new areas and tasks of concern.

☒    We revise and update our cleaning and hygiene practices and protocols.

☒    We consult with our Joint Health and Safety Committee members.

☒    We update our policies and protocols accordingly.

☒    We re-assess communication and training needs accordingly.

STEP 6 Assess and address risks from resuming operations or getting back to normal

For areas within our operations or workplace that have not been operating normally during this pandemic and would now be re-started or re-occupied, we have completed the following:

☒    Reviewed our existing risk assessments for the jobs and areas affected by considering the effects of the control measures discussed in this Plan on existing safeguards and controls, and revised our risk assessments accordingly.

☒    Consulted with our Joint Health and Safety Committee

☒    Ensured all work areas have been inspected before resuming operations

☒    Re-assessed and implemented occupational first aid requirements accordingly.

☒    Re-assessed communication and training needs accordingly.

☒    Communicated plans to workers before they return.

COVID-19 Safety PolicyOn Campus Operations

Policy Statement

Dorset College Safety Policy will adhere to the regulations and guidelines set out by WorkSafe BC’s six-step process and the Go-Forward Guidelines for BC’s Post-Secondary Sector.

Purpose of Policy 

  • To preserve staff, students, and visitors’ physical and mental well-being by maintaining health and safety protocols that prevent the spread of COVID-19 while being on-campus.
  • To ensure that Dorset College remains compliant with the provincial and federal regulations related to COVID-19.

Related Documents and Resources

Orders, notices and documents from BC Center for Disease Control, Provincial Health Officer, WorkSafe BC, Ministry of Health, BC’s Response to COVID-19, BC Restart Plan, Dorset College Safety Plan


  1. Overview

Each member of the Dorset College community has a responsibility for his or her own safety as well as the well-being of others on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Each person must abide by the guidelines below: 

  • Read and understand the Dorset College COVID-19 Policies and Protocols.
  • Conduct a COVID-19 self-assessment daily.
  • If presenting any COVID-19 symptoms, do not visit campus locations and follow the protocols established by the health authorities.
  • If presenting any COVID-19 symptoms while on campus, report to the office manager and seek medical attention.
  • Immediately report all breaches to the established COVID-19 protocols to the Office Manager.
  • Physical distance must be maintained, and the use of a face covering is required at all times indoors


1.1 Administrative Responsibilities

  • To develop, implement, monitor, and assess a Safety Plan as required by provincial and federal offices.
  • To implement protocols for on-campus operations (in-person instruction, visitors, deliveries) and post signage for all spaces related to those protocols.
  • To ensure active participation of staff training and/or awareness of COVID-19 safe practices on campus.
  • To ensure that the Safety Plan is communicated to all staff and students.
  • To provide guidance and support to students in relation to COVID-19 risks and hazards.
  • To provide hand-washing facilities, sanitizing stock, and face coverings to staff, students, and visitors.
  • To institute protocols to maintain campus spaces properly cleaned and sanitized.
  • To update or modify the Safety Plan in accordance with provincial and federal regulatory bodies.


1.2. Staff and Faculty Responsibilities

  • To conduct a COVID-19 self-assessment daily.
  • To strictly adhere to the safe and health protocols established by the institution.
  • To observe all COVID-19-related signage on campus spaces.
  • To read and understand Dorset College Safety Plan.
  • To reinforce safety guidance and support to students.
  • To report unsafe conditions related to COVID-19.
  • To maintain a respectful and inclusive environment during this pandemic.


1.3. Students Responsibilities

  • To conduct a COVID-19 self-assessment daily.
  • To strictly adhere to the safe and health protocols established by the institution.
  • To observe all COVID-19-related signage on campus spaces.
  • To read and understand Dorset College Safety Plan.
  • To report to their instructors any unsafe conditions related to COVID-19.
  • Behave at all times in such a way as to not expose yourself or others. 

International Students travelling to Canada must:

Comply with federal and provincial health, safety and legal obligations, such as mandatory self- isolation, that international students entering Canada are required to follow on arrival at their final destination in B.C




Dorset College provides and stocks adequate washroom and hand-washing facilities on site for faculty, staff, and students. Students, instructors, and staff will be required to sanitize their hands before entering college property, wash and sanitize their hands throughout the day, and sanitize their hands upon leaving the college property. Hand sanitizing stations are located strategically throughout the campus to facilitate hand hygiene.

Enhanced Cleaning Protocol for common areas

Dorset College has implemented cleaning protocols for all common areas and surfaces (e.g., washrooms, tools, equipment, desks, light switches, and door handles).

Disinfecting and Cleaning Standards:

  • The College is cleaned and disinfected in accordance with the BCCDC’s Cleaning and Disinfectants for Public Settings protocol.
  • Where cross-contamination is possible, shared items have been removed.
  • Workers who are cleaning have adequate training and materials as per the guidelines in BCCDC’s Cleaning and Disinfectants for Public Settings protocols.
  • Adequate hand-washing facilities are stocked and available on site and easily accessed.

The following provisions have been adopted from the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHS) and implemented at Dorset College:

G4.85(3) Maintenance of washroom facilities (Issued January 1, 2005)

  • Section 4.85(3) of the OHS Regulation (“Regulation”) states:

If washroom facilities are provided, they must be

(a) maintained in proper working order,

(b) kept clean and sanitary, and

(c) provided with the supplies necessary for their use.

The employer must ensure washroom facilities are maintained to meet the requirements of section 4.85(3). If the washroom facilities are not under the employer’s direct control, the employer should ensure that all facilities intended for use by workers are maintained to meet the requirements of section 4.85(3).

Each washroom should be provided with a suitable waste receptacle and with the supplies necessary for the use of the facilities, such as a supply of soap, toilet paper, and hand-drying towels or air dryers


Reporting Symptoms at the Workplace Protocol

Dorset College has sought advice from the local public health authority in regard to managing cases of COVID-19 in the institution.

As part of a contingency plan, Dorset College has created the following protocols in the event that anyone develops COVID-19 symptoms on campus:

  • Management will be contacted for First Aid response.
  • Management staff will respond to the area to safely isolate the symptomatic individual to a room to conduct a confidential first aid assessment as well as the ThriveBC assessment for COVID-19.
  • Unless urgent medical attention is required, the individual presenting symptoms will be advised to return to their place of residence and contact 8-1-1 and apply to get tested for COVID-19. If necessary, Management will arrange transportation for the individual.
  • Management will notify cleaning services to ensure that cleaners are dispatched to disinfect the space where the individual was separated and any areas used by them.
  • In a confidential manner, Management will notify the corresponding health authorities of an incident of a symptomatic individual on campus.
  • If the test results are positive, the designated staff and SEA will observe the records of attendance for the individual during the past 14 days and will notify everyone that maintained contact with the infected individual, preserving the privacy of the infected individual, asking them to stay at home and immediately notify the college if they observe symptoms.
  • Anyone else observing symptoms will be asked to continue staying at home and seek COVID test immediately.
  • Dorset College will maintain accurate records of COVID-19 related incidents of exposure.

Return to Campus Public Health Guidance

UPDATED: December 22, 2021

Key Messages
• This document outlines the prevention measures recommended by public health for post-secondary institutions
in B.C. to reduce the risk of communicable diseases, including COVID-19, on campus.
• Educational settings are low-risk settings for COVID-19 transmission, particularly in the context of a highly
immunized population.
• Vaccines are the most effective way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 on campus. Everyone eligible is strongly
encouraged to be fully vaccinated (i.e., receive two doses) against COVID-19.
This document outlines the prevention measures recommended by public health for post-secondary institutions in B.C.
to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It aligns with, and is complementary to, the COVID-19 Return-to-Campus Guidelines.
Public health experts in B.C. support the full return to on-campus instruction on September 7th, 2021 for post-secondary
institutions, with the effective evidence-informed prevention measures detailed within this guidance document in place.
In B.C., most transmission of COVID-19 occurs in households or at informal social gatherings. In educational and other
comparable settings, including those with teaching, learning, research, and student development activities, COVID-19
transmission is uncommon. Young people have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Enabling them to
return to closer-to-normal learning, recreational, and social activities is needed for pandemic recovery. While COVID-19
will continue to circulate for many years, in an immunized population like B.C., COVID-19 prevention needs to be
balanced with recovery efforts.
The prevention measures detailed in this document have been very effective at preventing COVID-19 in a wide variety of
settings across B.C. and will support a successful and safe return to campus. Prior to implementing measures in addition
to those outlined below, consult with your local Medical Health Officer to ensure benefit.
Post-secondary institutions are encouraged to transition to these recommended prevention measures over a period of
time, recognizing this as an evolving situation with multiple steps necessary to support implementation. Public Health
remains committed to supporting the post-secondary sector, including faculty, staff, and students to return to the
educational and research activities that are critical to the community and to society.


Vaccines are the most effective way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 on campus. Two doses provide effective protection
against infection and serious illness from COVID-19, including variants of concern. Vaccines are available to all faculty,
students, and staff, including international students and their families.
Post-secondary institutions can work with public health to ensure vaccination opportunities are accessible in the first
weeks of the return to campus, as well as promote information on how to get vaccinated. The BC Centre for Disease
Control has specific information on getting vaccinated for students arriving in B.C. from within and outside of Canada.
People vaccinated outside of B.C. can upload their COVID-19 vaccination records to
This requires a B.C. Personal Health Number, which can be obtained by contacting Service BC at 1-833-838-2323.
Service BC is available seven days a week, 7am to 7pm.
Some experiential learning placements (including practicum and co-op placements) may require students to be
vaccinated in line with practices for other employees. This includes health sciences students working in certain health
care settings by Order of the Provincial Health Officer.

Testing and Contact Tracing

COVID-19 Testing: Testing is available to any student, faculty or staff in BC. Share guidance on when to get tested with
the campus community. Testing locations are available on Regional Health Authority websites. Routine asymptomatic
testing of unimmunized individuals has been proposed to further reduce the likelihood of transmission on campus. The
benefit of this intervention diminishes as immunization rate increases. Based on a review of literature and local
modeling analysis, the benefit of routine asymptomatic screening of unimmunized students and staff is limited when
immunization coverage is 80% and vanishingly small at 90%. If you are considering using point-of-care tests for
asymptomatic screening of unvaccinated students, faculty and staff, consult your local Medical Health Officer prior to
implementation to ensure appropriate guidelines are followed.
Contact Tracing: Public health follows up on every person who tests positive for COVID-19. This process is called contact
tracing. Contact tracing helps to identify and manage close contacts, who may be at increased risk for COVID-19.
Public health will work with institutions to manage cases and clusters of COVID-19, as required. Work with public health
to determine what protocols should be in place to manage COVID-19 cases on campus. This may include providing the
name and contact information of identified students, faculty and staff upon request of public health.
As part of contact tracing, close contacts are notified by public health and informed of what subsequent actions they
should take (e.g., monitor for symptoms, self-isolate, seek testing, etc.) as they may be at increased risk for COVID-19.
Public health will also facilitate general notifications more broadly within the campus community or post the
information to Regional Health Authority websites when necessary for contact tracing or outbreak management, in line

with notification practices for other community and workplace settings. General notifications are typically provided to
those who are at greater risk for communicable disease and need to take subsequent actions beyond continuing to
follow general public health recommendations.
Administrator Role: Post-secondary Institutions are not responsible for contact tracing, and should not provide
notifications to faculty, staff or students about potential or confirmed communicable diseases cases (including COVID19) unless requested to do so by the local Medical Health Officer.
Should faculty, staff or students disclose that they have tested positive for COVID-19 or bring forward concerns related
to unconfirmed cases on campus, administrators may consider the following key messages if they determine the need to
address their campus community:
• We continue to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of our students, faculty and staff. Effective prevention
measures are in place across campus to prevent COVID-19 from spreading.
• Educational settings are low-risk settings for COVID-19 transmission, particularly in the context of a highly
immunized population.
• Public health authorities are responsible for determining notification processes and requirements for
confirmed cases of COVID-19.
• In most situations, local public health will directly notify close contacts who may be at increased risk. See
BCCDC for more information on close contacts.
• Since COVID-19 transmission is uncommon in educational settings, in most cases, public health notifications to
the campus community will not be required.
• Please do not notify faculty, staff or students about potential or confirmed communicable disease cases
(including COVID-19) unless requested to do so by the local Medical Health Officer.
• In the interim, continue to do your daily health checks and follow all of the prevention measures in the
communicable disease prevention plan.
• Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Provincial Health Officer Orders

Post-secondary institutions must follow applicable Provincial Health Officer Orders. Full details on Orders are available
from the Provincial Health Officer. Current Orders applicable to post-secondary institutions include:
Post-secondary Institution Housing COVID-19 Preventive Measures: Those living in on-campus housing must provide
proof of vaccination, indicating they have received all recommended doses or combination of World Health Organization
approved vaccines at least seven days previously, to their post-secondary institution by September 23, 2021. After this
date, those who are unvaccinated are required to wear a face covering (mask) in any area of housing other than their
Gatherings & Events Order: Certain types of gatherings and events in B.C., including those on post-secondary campuses
are restricted. This includes non-educational (i.e., non-essential or discretionary) activities, including graduation
ceremonies, parties, recitals, and concerts. Current size limits are 50 people or 50% of a venue’s capacity indoors (whichever is greater) or 5,000 people or 50% of a venue’s capacity outdoors (whichever is greater). For example, if an
indoor venue has a normal seated capacity of 600 people, 300 people can attend.
Gathering & Events (Section D) /Food and Liquor Serving Premises (Section B) Orders – Proof of Vaccination: Everyone
on campus aged 12 and older (born in 2009 or earlier) needs to provide proof of vaccination via the BC Vaccine Card to
access some non-essential or discretionary services, businesses, and events on campus as of September 13, 2021.
Examples of non-essential or discretionary services include, but are not limited to:
• Indoor ticketed concerts, theatre, dance, symphony and sporting events (with more than 50 participants)
• Indoor and outdoor dining at restaurants, pubs and bars (on-campus cafeterias are excluded)
• Indoor adult sports activities and group exercise
• Indoor organized gatherings like conferences, conventions and workshops (with more than 50 participants)
• Indoor organized group recreational classes and activities like pottery and art (with more than 50 participants)
Both Orders are currently in place until January 31, 2022 and are subject to extension.
Face Coverings (COVID-19) Order – Indoor Public Spaces: Masks must be worn in all indoor public spaces in B.C.,
including post-secondary spaces by anyone aged 12 and older, including students, faculty, staff and visitors. This
includes, but is not limited to:
• in all public indoor public spaces of post secondary institutions
o This includes lecture theatres, classrooms, teaching laboratories, and other indoor instructional settings
o Instructors and other presenters do not need to wear a mask when behind a barrier or two metres away
from students while teaching in indoor public spaces
• in common areas of buildings including in on-campus housing and office buildings (e.g., lobbies, hallways,
• in common areas of sport and fitness centres when not engaged in physical activity
• in coffee shops and restaurants, pubs and bars when not seated at a table
Masks are not required for workspaces such as office areas, research labs or shared offices that do not serve the public,
or for meetings and seminars in small meeting rooms. Masks are also not required if a person is behind a barrier that
separates them from other people, like a divider, cubicle, or in a room by themselves. Exemptions, including for those
unable to wear a face covering, are detailed in the Order.
Regional Recommendations & Orders: Medical Health Officers can place local public health Orders or recommendations
for additional prevention measures beyond this guidance for post-secondary institutions within their regional health
authority. These are placed at their own discretion, based on their authority under provincial legislation. These may be
put in place during times of increased community transmission of COVID-19, and within communities with low
vaccination uptake. They are based on local epidemiology and are proportional to risk.

Environmental Measures

Ventilation: Continue to ensure that all mechanical heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are
designed, operated and maintained in accordance with WorkSafe BC requirements and ASHRAE Standards for indoor air
quality, and that they are working properly. Open windows when the weather permits if it doesn’t impact the
functioning of the ventilation systems.
Cleaning & Disinfection: Clean and disinfect educational spaces, public spaces and high touch areas daily. Environmental
cleaning is not required between classes.

Administrative Measures

• Physical distancing (consistently maintaining 2 metres between people) is no longer recommended in indoor public
spaces by public health or required by WorkSafe BC. People on campus can be encouraged to spread out within
available space and to consider and respect others’ personal space (the distance from which a person feels
comfortable being next to another person).
• Limiting the number of people within indoor public spaces is no longer recommended by public health or required
by WorkSafe BC. People can be encouraged to spread out within the available space and normal room occupancy
limits should not be exceeded (where applicable).
• Post-secondary institutions are not required to manage the flow of pedestrian traffic within buildings or confined
areas, or post occupancy limits for spaces such as elevators or washrooms.

Personal Measures

Stay Home When Sick: Ensure students, faculty and staff are aware they should not participate in any activities
(educational or otherwise) if they are sick.
Get Tested When Recommended: Encourage students faculty and staff to use the BC Self-Assessment Tool app, the
BCCDC When to Get Tested Resource, or call 8-1-1 to determine if they should get tested for COVID-19 if they’re sick.
Institutions should identify and make available safe and appropriate housing for students living on campus who are
required to self-isolate or quarantine, if recommended by public health.
Hand Hygiene: Enable regular opportunities for hand hygiene, including placing hand sanitizer stations at the
entrances/exits to public indoor spaces.